About the Osteosarcoma Collaborative
Educate • Fund Research • Cure
If you have found this page, then it’s likely that you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. We get it, it’s a lonely place. We are families and friends of osteosarcoma warriors, thrivers and angels. This organization is what we were looking for when we were in your shoes, and that’s how it started. Take a look around this site, visit the Osteosarcoma Information FaceBook page. The standard care of treatment for osteosarcoma has not changes in nearly 40 years, we are here to change that.
“Osteosarcoma sometimes takes a limb to check you out.
Then, if it likes you, it takes the rest.”
— John Green

Our Mission
Bring together data, researchers, patients and families to find new cures for Osteosarcoma.
Through advocacy, fundraising, education and awareness regarding the disease, we will support new treatment options for patients with this extremely aggressive and often recurring disease.
What We Want to Achieve
Collaborate with patients, families, and the medical & scientific community:
- Provide increased funding for Osteosarcoma Research and new treatments
- Encourage Genetic testing for all Osteosarcoma patients – changing Standard of Care
- Advocate with Surgeons and Pathologists on proper sample collection for bone tumors to be used for successful genetic testing
- Act as a clearinghouse for Osteosarcoma genetic information
- Advocate for better awareness and understanding of Osteosarcoma
- Support families and patients with Osteosarcoma
- Partner with medical community to change decades old treatment for Osteosarcoma