The Osteosarcoma Collaborative
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“It’s Osteosarcoma” are words no one is prepared to hear. After learning more about the cancer itself, the next thing most patients and families do is ask about treatment. At that point they are stunned to learn that the standard of care for newly diagnosed Osteosarcoma has not changed in over 35 years! We must change that. Osteosarcoma, we are coming for you!
Clinical Information & Resources

In the United States, current treatment for osteosarcoma typically follows a treatment protocol referred to as the “MAP” protocol: M = Methotrexate, A = Adriamycin (doxorubicin) and P = CisPlatin. However, oncologists may also decide on additional treatments. These may include Ifosomide and Etoposide . . .

Following is a compilation of research into osteosarcoma, both Theresa Beech’s ¹ and other peoples, as well as some speculative thoughts. The bottom-line answer to both of these questions is that no one knows why someone gets osteosarcoma or how it develops. We just don’t know. . .

Clinical Trials
Currently, there is no standard of care for relapsed/refractory osteosarcoma. There are numerous ways to think about treating relapsed/refractory osteosarcoma, and a clinical trial is one of the options. This post discusses how to think about choosing a clinical trial. . .
Count Me In
The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Count Me In, a non-profit research initiative that conducts . . .
About Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma is a rare form of cancer (approximately 20,000 cases per year). It’s rarity makes it less studied and less understood than other forms of cancer.
Genetic Testing
Germline Testing
When a child is diagnosed with osteosarcoma very young (typically below the age of 10) or has a strong family history of sarcomas/breast cancer/GBM, or when a patient relapses, genetic testing may be mentioned…
Tumor Testing
In many adult cancers, at diagnosis, a biopsy of the tumor is done and some of the tumor tissue is sent off for genetic testing. Then, depending on the results of the genetic testing, a particular treatment is chosen…