Resources for Patients
First Descents is dedicated and passionate about providing healthy meals and nutrition education at our programs. We believe in the healing properties of food and the benefits that can be gained from sharing amazing meals (description from site).
Our cakes are free of charge, regardless of financial need. We serve medically qualified children and their siblings (description from site).
In Treatment Support: The Live Like Bella® Foundation honors Bella’s desire to serve other by assisting pediatric cancer families while undergoing treatment. We assist families with medical co-pays, basic needs such as: gas, food and utilities and everything in between. You are not alone (description from site).
Memorial Support: Burying a child is a horribly painful burden no parent should ever have to bare. We work closely with funeral homes to provide a memorial plaque or urn for children who’s battle with cancer has ended (description from site).
Lucy’s Love Bus delivers comfort to children with cancer by paying for any therapy that helps to balance traditional cancer care and improves the quality of life for a child. We offer funding awards in increments of $500 for anyone who was diagnosed with cancer before the age of 21 years, either currently undergoing treatment or suffering from the late effects of cancer treatment. We connect families to local integrative therapists and pay practitioners directly for their services. We are currently accepting applications for children in the New England area (description from site).
MIB Agents is a nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated to Making it Better (MIB) for kids with osteosarcoma. Through direct patient support, funding osteosarcoma-specific research and organizing the only Osteosarcoma Conference that brings together the doctors, researchers and advocates for kinder treatments, #TogetherWeWill #MakeItBetter!
Making It Better for kids with Osteosarcoma
MIB Ambassador support OsteoWarriors in their area who are in active treatment. Ambassador Sponsors support this program with donations for MIB Agents’ Totes. MIB Totes provide both items of comfort and necessities while in treatment.
Stillbrave Childhood Cancer Foundation
Stillbrave’s mission is to provide non-medical, supportive care to children with cancer and their families. We are committed to helping the families of children battling cancer in any way we can. So while they are fighting the toughest war of their lives, we will fight their lesser battles, so they don’t have to. We are not only here to support children with cancer, we are here to help ease the burden of the family and the caregivers who are fighting battles of their own (description from site).
Sending care packages to pediatric cancer patients and their families was Mathias’ idea and he gave specific instructions on what should be included. Mathias felt strongly that the care packages should include items for the entire family, especially siblings, and he wanted every patient that received a package to know it was made just for them. We include items that are useful as families go through treatment, as well as fun and personal items chosen with the child and siblings’ interests in mind. Per Mathias’ instructions, we do not hand deliver packages to patients. Instead, they are mailed or given to a family friend (description from site).
The Sweet Julia Grace Foundation
The Sweet Julia Grace Foundation has created four primary programs for providing assistance to families who have Raindancers. Our Programs are developed to further our mission of ‘filling in the gaps’ that other services are unable to fill, so families with children who have special needs or who are going through a medical crisis can be properly supported. We envelop a family into a warm, comforting embrace while providing them with resources, assistance, emotional support and guidance. Along with this holistic approach, SJGF also strives to bring our Raindancers (and their siblings) as much JOY as possible by providing these inspirational children with gifts to bring comfort, happiness, and often times dramatically improve and change their lives (description from site).